
Shipping: Ronniecoln

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So....Ronniecoln. Well, to start things, I like this pairing in part because it's not Loudcest. OK, so I guess I should start with a few key ideas. To begin, let's talk about Ronnie Anne. Now, Ronnie Anne was mentioned in the episode "Heavy Meddle" in which she was the one bullying Lincoln. When Lincoln's sisters realize this, they conclude that she must like Lincoln, and they coerce him into kissing her. He does, and he gets punched in the face. Now, in all honesty, even though she didn't physically appear, I didn't like Ronnie Anne one bit. To me, the episode was giving the wrong message to kids by saying that if they are being bullied at school, then that most likely means they have a crush on you. There were several other issues that I had with the episode, but that's not the main idea here. In conclusion, Ronnie Anne just came off as a jerk in that episode for punching Lincoln for little rhyme nor reason.

Okay, now "Save the Date" which is her physical debut. So she still bullies Lincoln here and there, but it's obvious that it's playful. So, Lincoln's buds make fun of him because of his relationship with Ronnie Anne, which he quickly rebukes them for. As luck would have it, Ronnie Anne overhears him insulting her, and runs off. Bobby finds out about this, dumps Lori, and Lori forces Lincoln to go on a double date. To me, this episode is where the two's chemistry began to change. They both express the same interests, and how they tend to get annoyed with their older siblings - Lori and Bobby respectively - and they seemed to genuinely enjoy being in each others' presence. Of course Lincoln's friends go to the restaurant they are attending, and he repeats what he told them earlier, causing Ronnie Anne to cry, but he does defend her and kisses her. The next day, Ronnie Anne slaps Lincoln, but it's clear that she was doing that to cover for Lincoln.

"April Fools' Rules" was the point where I felt that they were genuinely in a relationship as Ronnie Anne doesn't bully Lincoln in this episode thereby making her more likable. While they don't spend as much time with each other in this episode, what makes up for it is Lincoln taking all of the pranks when he realizes that Ronnie Anne was to come to his house. And in return, she throws a pie at Luan's face. While I still wanted Luan to be punished for her reckless pranks, I guess that makes up for it somewhat. Not really.

Lastly, there's "Dance, Dance Resolution," which I felt while good, was flawed. Basically Lincoln attempts to avoid Ronnie Anne on the night of the Sadie Hawkins dance so that he could go to the arcade for a 2-fort-one special. Okay, so my main issue with the episode is the fact that Lincoln would assume that Ronnie would want to go to the dance in the first place. Don't know how long they had been dating, but surely he would know that she wouldn't be the type of girl who'd be interested in going to some stupid dance. That, and Ronnie Anne could've either texted or called Lincoln about her plans for the arcade; that would've saved Lincoln from quite a hassle. Buuuuuut, he does apologize to her, and they go to the arcade together. That, and if she did that, then I wouldn't have thought of shipping Clyde with Haiku.

So their relationship had somewhat of a rocky start, but I consider it cute regardless. Now, the only problem with the shipping is what several fans of the LH and myself have already stated: if Lori were to marry Bobby, then that would make Ronnie Anne and Lincoln in-laws. So one of the ideas that I had in mind that could solve this is having Bobby and Lori break up at some point in time (maybe they do when the show ends; we have no way of knowing if their relationship ends in marriage). There are several instances wherein I question whether or not Lori truly loves Bobby "Study Muffin" being the primary example, so I feel that by having them split up, then it would make it okay for Lincoln to continue his relationship with Ronnie Anne. Though if Lincoln's relationship with Ronnie is only a phase, then I wouldn't mind them going their separate ways at one point. But overall, a very cute pairing that I slowly began to love.
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Well, i have see some (if not all) families do get their children married with other children who belong to the other same family (infact 2 siblings from the one family married with the 2 siblings from the other family). So I believe once Lori gets married with Bobby then Lincoln will get married with Ronnie Anne in the future finale of TLH and TCG.🧡💜👍😉👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨👫🕯️🌌